Please be informed that we’ll be closed on the 23rd of December and will be back on the 5th of January. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!

Smile Gallery

If you’re not comfortable with your smile, it can be difficult to operate at your confident best. There are many reasons this may be the case, from discoloured to chipped, broken or cracked teeth.

The Dental Family Beaumaris wants all our clients to have healthy, glowing smiles that radiate happiness. We want to restore the natural beauty of your smile and maintain your dental health at an optimum level.

While much cosmetic dental work involves cutting away the tooth structure, our dentists strive to avoid tooth structure removal.

There are numerous benefits to this:

  • The procedures are fully reversible;
  • The original structure of the tooth isn’t harmed in any way;
  • The cosmetic dentistry results are achieved in one appointment;
  • No injections are required;
  • It’s a cost effective means of rejuvenating your smile and improving your life.

The images below are all examples of dental work performed at The Dental Family Beaumaris that didn’t cut away the original tooth structure. If you’d like to achieve similar results for yourself, please get in touch. Our dentists would love to help bring back your smile.

Straightening Crowded Teeth

Having crowded teeth is actually a fairly common problem, and one that causes many people to suffer with self-consciousness.

As well as leading to self-esteem issues, crowded teeth can have knock-on effects to your dental health. These can include problems with chewing, excess wear and periodontal disease.

In the picture above, the Beaumaris Dental Group achieved this result using composite resin. It only required  one visit, and no original tooth structure was removed.

Closing Spaced Teeth

A gap between two teeth is officially called a ‘diastema’ and is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes the aesthetics of gappy teeth can affect your confidence, or maybe they’re a bit of a bother with food getting stuck.

Whatever the case, The Dental Family Beaumaris can easily close the spaces between your teeth, just like in the photo above, using composite resin. Our dentists can do this in one visit, without removing any of the original tooth structure.

Reshaping Malformed Teeth

Malformed teeth can range in their severity. It could be a small chip that’s concerning you, or it could be you’re uncomfortable with the shape of some of your teeth.

Either way, malformed teeth could be stopping your smile from realising its full potential. A simple cosmetic dental procedure with our dentists can help fix that. It takes just one visit and composite resin is used, negating the need to interfere with the original tooth structure.

Lengthening Worn Teeth

Having short teeth is a problem that affects many people. It’s caused by a number of factors, from tooth erosion due to chemical build up to wear from grinding your teeth.

Worn teeth can look unsightly and affect your self-esteem, while also causing problems like toothache and gum complications. Our oral health experts will restore your smile like in the image above, fixing worn teeth in one visit.

Fixing Discoloured, Damaged and Crowded Teeth

Damaged and discoloured teeth can play havoc with your social life. Don’t sit at home feeling embarrassed about your smile. Get in touch with the dentists at The Dental Family Beaumaris and we’ll help restore your smile and your confidence.

The picture above shows the results of using composite resin and crowns over multiple visits. The end result is a smile to be proud of.

Want to Know How Our Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You?

We’d love to have a chat about how we can restore your smile to its original glory. One of our friendly dental practice team will answer all your questions and help set you on the path to optimum oral health.

"Straightening" Crowded Teeth

Before After
Before After
Before After
Before After

"Bringing Forward" Retruded Teeth including Whitening

Before After

Closing Spaced Teeth

Before After
Before After

Closing Spaced Teeth and "Bringing Forward" Retruded Tooth

2c.1 (Before)


2c.2 (Before)

Before (Alternate Angle)

2c (After)


Reshaping Malformed Teeth

Before After
Before After

Rehabilitating Worn Upper Teeth

Before After
Before After

Rehabilitating Worn Upper Teeth including Whitening

4b (Before)


4b (Mid-Procedure)


4b (After)


Rehabilitating Worn Lower Teeth incl Whitening

4c (Before)


4c (Mid-Procedure)


4c (After)


Rehabilitating Worn Upper and Lower Teeth

Before After

Upper Teeth

Before After

Lower Teeth

Repairing Teeth Trauma

Before After
Before After

Fixing Discoloured, Damaged and Crowded Teeth

Before After
Before After


Teeth Whitening

This patient lost one of their front teeth.  It has been replaced with an implant and implant crown.  Here is the final result.  Can you tell which one it is?

7.2 (with arrows)

If we lift the lip up, you may be able to tell.  When a tooth is lost, the gum almost always recedes a little.  Our challenge is to preserve the gum as much as possible to give the best aesthetic result possible.  The yellow arrows show the gum recession and the red arrow gives you the answer.

Crowns (for worn teeth)

Before After

Below are the mid-procedure photos showing the reality of the tooth structure removal required and the change in length achieved.

8 (Crown Preparation)

Crown Preparation

8 (1st Crown Fitted)

1st Crown Fitted

8-2nd Crown Fitted

2nd Crown Fitted

8 (3rd Crown Fitted)

3rd Crown Fitted

8 (4th Crown Fitted)

4th Crown Fitted

8 (5th Crown Fitted)

5th Crown Fitted

The Dental Family Beaumaris