Please be informed that we’ll be closed on the 23rd of December and will be back on the 5th of January. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year!

What Is Restorative Dentistry And Why Do You Need It?

Restorative dentistry refers to the work done to make your teeth functional and healthy. Restorative Dentistry procedures refers to fixing fractured, broken or decayed teeth with dental filling materials. While restorative dentistry improves the look of your smile, it is far more than simply being cosmetic.  It saves your teeth from toothache, infection and being lost.  Sometimes, it can even be lifesaving

Why Have Restorative Dentistry Procedures?

Most people wait until something goes wrong to visit the dentist. The problem with this approach is that the mouth is so bad at giving warning signs that you often won’t know of the problem until it is too late.  At this point, often the tooth needs a lot more than a restorative procedure.  

The people with the best oral health are the ones that maintain good dental health with regular visits. Your oral health should be a priority because it influences your overall health and wellbeing. According to the renowned Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, poor dental health can lead to:

  • Heart problems like Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Disease
  • Pregnancy and Birth Complications
  • Stroke
  • Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases

Restorative dentistry practices make it easier to eat, easier to brush your teeth, and easier to talk. These massive benefits for taking care of your teeth are why the Victorian government is making dental procedures more accessible to those who are socially and economically disadvantaged.

Common Restorative Dentistry Procedures


A restorative dental procedure that many people require at some point in their life is a filling. People in Australia have, on average, over ten teeth that have some form of decay or have been lost due to decay. When decay has already occurred, holes (or cavities) form in the teeth. Food and bacteria often get trapped in these cavities and speed up the progression of decay. 

Dental fillings halt this decaying process. Inserting a filling is a quick procedure and is regularly done with only local anaesthetic. Filling material may be made from silver or composite resin. While people often choose resin for its aesthetic appeal, silver amalgam can sometimes be a better choice. If you need a filling, your dentist will talk you through the options you have and why one may be better than another.

Sometimes dental filling materials can be used to rebuild heavily damaged teeth or even veneers.

Why We Don’t Want You to Have Restorative Dentistry

Here at The Dental Family Beaumaris, we hope you will never require fillings. The best outcome for your teeth is for decay not to occur at all. That is why we recommend everyone do the following:

  • Brush twice a day – this removes the bacteria that causes tooth decay, as well as the sugars they feed upon.
  • Clean between your teeth with floss or interdental brush – this removes food that may have caught between teeth and brushes away the bacteria that feeds on it.
  • Eat less refined sugars – refined sugars like those found in lollies and soft drinks are the worst type of food for your teeth. That is why you should save them only for special occasions.
  • Visit your dentist every six months – A professional dental clean removes plaque and bacteria that our regular brushing misses, and dentists can notice decay before it gets worse. It is much better to need a small filling because the decay was found early than catch it late when there is a high risk of toothache which then leads to root canal treatment or extraction.  .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a dentist if I brush every day? 

 Yes. Even us dentists make sure we check our teeth at least once a year. You may have perfect brushing habits and still develop decay that causes cavities.

  • Does having a filling hurt?

 A local anaesthetic is given so the filling procedure is completely comfortable. Sometimes, a tooth can be sensitive for a short period of time afterwards.  If this sensitivity doesn’t settle after a few weeks, you should have the tooth re-checked by your dentist.  It may indicate a bigger problem.

  • How much does restorative dentistry cost? 

The price of restorative dentistry can range, depending on size of the cavity and materials used. However, not having restorative dentistry now will cost you far more in the future. Decay will continue, requiring more expensive dentistry.

If you have dental cover, your health insurance may cover some of the cost for restorative dentistry. However, you will likely need to pay for more. 

Book Your Dentist Appointment 

If it’s time to get your teeth checked, then call us today to book your dentistry appointment. We provide quality care for the whole family and offer a variety of restorative, preventative, and cosmetic services. 


The Dental Family Beaumaris