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Why Gums are Bleeding When Brushing Teeth

When you brush your teeth, do your gums bleed? You’re not alone in dealing with this problem. In fact, around 29% of Australian adults deal with gingivitis, and 30% have periodontitis. These gum diseases can cause bleeding of the gums and several other health problems. 

While not all bleeding when brushing teeth is caused by gum disease, it is relatively common. Taking care of your mouth is more than just brushing. You need to look after your gums and overall oral health, as well.

Is It Normal for Gums to Bleed While Brushing Teeth?

While some bleeding may occur if your gums are sensitive, such as after a dental cleaning, it’s not normal for them to bleed every time you brush your teeth. This indicates a problem; you should visit the dentist to find exactly why you’re bleeding. 

Why do Gums Bleed When Brushing Teeth?

There are several causes for gums bleeding when brushing teeth. Bleeding gums may be caused by:

  • Being too vigorous with brushing and flossing. If you have a hard bristled toothbrush or are applying too much pressure, it can irritate the gums and cause bleeding. Consider switching to a softer brush and being gentle while flossing.
  • Medications may cause bleeding. Some medicines, particularly those that thin blood, can result in bleeding. It’s also possible that a small cut will bleed more because of reduced clotting ability. Be sure to mention this when you visit your dentist. They can give you ideas to help reduce the risk.
  • You may have gum disease. Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease, which will worsen if not taken care of. Good oral hygiene is essential to reverse it. You will also need treatment from a professional. If left untreated, you’ll end up with a periodontal disease, which is not reversible. 
  • New routines may irritate gums. Have you recently started flossing for the first time? This can bother your gums even if you’re gentle. Make sure you are gentle and if the bleeding doesn’t stop in a week or so of regular flossing, make sure you take the time to see a dental professional.

Your dentist can help you figure out what is happening in your mouth and how dangerous it may be. 

When Should I Be Concerned About Bleeding Gums?

Some causes of bleeding gums are harmless and shouldn’t be a worry. However, you must visit the dentist if you notice that you have been bleeding daily for over a week. You should immediately see a doctor if you have white or red patches in your mouth or numbness and swelling. Difficulty speaking or swallowing when you are also bleeding from the gums is an emergency and will require immediate care. 

If you have signs of gingivitis, schedule a visit with The Dental Family today. This can quickly get worse and will require treatment from your dentist. 

Signs of gingivitis include: 

  • Swelling in the gums
  • Dark red gums
  • Bleeding when brushing your teeth
  • Receding gums
  • Soreness in the gums
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away

Any of these symptoms can indicate a problem, but if you have three or more, you should make an appointment immediately.

How Do I Get My Gums to Stop Bleeding?

When it comes to bleeding gums, you can apply light pressure to stop the bleeding. However, you’ll need more than this if you have gum disease. Take the time to talk to the dentist to find out what to look for. 

Your dentist may provide a treatment plan, but usually, you’ll need a good professional dental cleaning. You also need to maintain your oral hygiene on your own. Removing all bacteria and plaque is important, so regular brushing and flossing are essential. You should also plan to rinse with salt water or mouthwash daily to keep bacteria at bay.

Are you suffering from bleeding gums? Make your appointment with The Dental Family Beaumaris now.

The Dental Family Beaumaris